
Showing posts from February, 2020

hahaha what if i started a blog... jkjkjk... unless????

Perhaps this is the time to tell you about myself. You see, my name is Jennifer or Jen or Jen Jen or um... whatever you chose. It should probably have at least a "j" in it. Katie would be an odd nickname for me. Also, my childhood songs are Same Love by Macklemore (took me forever to spell that) and Ryan Lewis as well as Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood. And I did not watch Hercules until 8th grade while I was cat-sitting. I am 16 years old as of today. Wow! Amazing! Also, I'm queer. In other words, liking people. And, like, wanting to kiss people. As long as it's legal and consensual though. I'm not Katy Perry. Oh! And I am Buddhist; and I am also Asain. And a kid! Amazing. I do not know what else to say???? Besides maybe my favorite color combo is green and orange, and I am 1000% Team John Ambrose. Well. That tis it. Below are links to medias I mentioned! I hope I get better at this blog thing. I mean this is similar to the first day of school whe